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Treatments for Acne

Almost every human has experienced at least one acne breakout in their lifetime. Acne is simply the skin’s reaction to dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria.

The best way to prevent acne is to prevent it with proper skin care.

Treatments for Acne

Wash Skin Twice a Day

Use a mild soap or cleansing cream twice a day with warm water. Morning after a long night of sleep, and evening after a long day, is the best time to wash your face.

If you teach your children to do this from day one, they’ll be in the habit of doing it by the time they are pre-teens or teenagers and at risk for developing acne.

Exfoliate the Skin Regularly

One of the causes of acne as mentioned above is dead skin cells. The best way to get rid of dead skin cells is to exfoliate. This means that you use a mild abrasive to remove the outer layer of dead skin cells.

You can use special mixtures that are made for this process or even just the rough side of a wash cloth with your regular cleansing cream.

Moisturize Properly

Everyone needs to use moisturizer, even if they have oily skin. Find an oil free moisturizer to use after washing your face while it’s still damp. This is the best time to apply any type of moisturizer as it will absorb faster.

You can find moisturizers to use at all price ranges, at the drug store or any supermarket. Some brands to look for are Clean & Clear, and Burt’s Bees.

Don’t Pick at Acne

While it’s tempting to pick at acne, that’s the worst thing that you can do. Teach your child not to pick at their acne so that it doesn’t spread or get infected.

Instead of picking at it, find a medication to place on it, with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, or dab apple cider vinegar on the infected areas. But, whatever happens don’t pick at it.

Eliminate Dairy Products

For many people dairy products contribute to the problem of acne. Try an elimination diet if your child’s acne is getting worse and other treatments aren’t working.

Don’t worry; there are many other ways to get calcium and the vitamins that are in dairy products such as almond milk and almond yogurt.

If your child has cystic acne, eliminating dairy has been shown to work very well to calm the skin down and eliminate the acne without harsh drugs.

Stay Hydrated

All of your organs need plenty of water to function properly, and the skin is no different. In fact, one of the places your body shows dehydration fastest is in the skin.

Often times, if you’re not hydrated enough the skin starts trying to make up for it by producing more oil, which, combined with dead skin cells and bacteria will make more pimples and acne. Your child can stay hydrated with lots of fresh filtered water and fruit.

Avoid Too Much Sun

Staying out unprotected in the sun can cause the skin to react with an outbreak that is often harder to treat. Remember to wear protective clothing, and apply sunscreen before going outside.

If your child is prone to acne, find a sunscreen that is less clogging and remember to wash it off before going to bed.

Acne Treatments

Use Appropriate Treatments

There are different types of skin problems that lead to acne. Blackheads, whiteheads and other clogged pores left untreated can make acne worse. There are specific treatments for each type of acne that should be used.

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Seek Professional Help

If your child is suffering from acne, and you’ve tried everything mentioned in this article, you might want to seek professional help from a dermatologist.

Your primary care doctor can refer your child to one. There are many medications and topical treatments that you can get via prescription only that work quite well.

Treating acne can be frustrating, but if you stay calm and work methodically trying the different things on this list, plus anything your doctor directs you to do, you’ll be able to get it under control.

No one likes having pimples, but thankfully there are treatments both over the counter and via prescription that can help.

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